News and Updates

New Location

Lower Mountains Physiotherapy has moved to a home-based studio located at 11 Sutton Street Woodford, NSW, 2778. Opening on the 13th of November 2023.

Same professional advise and treatment assisting with your musculoskeletal needs.


Useful Information

Pain Explained

Following is a summary of the latest research findings worldwide.

Pain is a complicated subjective experience . It is know known that pain perception and the response to pain are different. That is to say that there are no pain endings, pathways or drivers. Instead the response to pain is now thought of as danger signalling. It is then up to the brain to decide whether pain is or is not worth constructing.

There are 10 key concepts to consider when discussing pain.

1.Pain is normal, personal and real

2.There are danger signals not pain sensors in the tissues

3.Pain and the extent or presence of tissue damage rarely relate

4.Pain depends on the balance of danger and safety

5.Pain involves distributed brain activity

6.Pain relies on context

7.Pain is only one of many protective outputs

8.We are adaptable

9.Learning about pain can help the individual

10.Active treatment strategies promote recovery

Once you understand pain, this becomes a therapy in itself. You can begin to make plans, explore different ways to move, improve your fitness, eat and sleep better. You can go on a pathway of understanding why you hurt and how to gradually move forward and do more of the things that you enjoy. Physiotherapists are well placed to assist you on this journey

Information sourced from Explain Pain D.Butler & L.Moseley

Shoulder Pain

Accurate diagnosis and treatment of shoulder pain and dysfunction is essential. 

The shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body, but this comes at a price - being more mobile increases the risk of injuries such as impingement and dislocation.

The shoulder is a shallow ball and socket joint at the top of the arm.  The joint is held in place with ligaments and a strong set of surrounding muscles.  The Rotator Cuff muscles are the most important in terms of positioning the ball optimally within the socket.  If the muscles become injured or stop working effectively, pain is classically felt with overhead activities or at night - especially when laying on the shoulder.

A combination of pain and stiffness of the shoulder can also occur without any apparent injury.  The most common cause, often found in people aged between 40 and 60, is the 'Frozen Shoulder' (Adhesive Capsulitis).

Normal use of the arm for repetitive tasks such as using a compute or mouse, lifting, carrying, reaching or throwing can also cause changes in the tendons and muscles, sometimes making them weaker or inflamed over time.  This type of overuse injury occurs more often in the dominant arm.

Following assessment, physiotherapy treatment for shoulder pain may include taping for support or postural correction, muscle retraining, stretching and advice on returning to your normal every day activities.

Please contact us if you have a shoulder problem and would like personalised advice and treatment.

Wishing you all well.

Jany Neckerauer

Anterior Knee Pain

Pain at the front of the knee is a very common symptom. Two common causes of pain at the front of the knee are patellofemoral pain and patella tendinopathy. Pain may occur with no specific injury or secondary to an acute incident such as falling onto the knee or a ligamentous or meniscal injury or after surgery.

Pain is usually worse with loaded activities such as running, stair use or squatting. Sometimes pain is also aggravated by prolonged sitting.

Sometimes the knee may make a painful grinding noise and the knee cap may feel like it is not tracking in a straight line.

Pain may be felt at the start of an activity, settling after warm up and then returning after activity finishes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms please book an appointment so that we can thoroughly assess you.